Tower of Babel #4 (2011)
Digital scan, Watercolour, Pencil and Acrylic on Board
Tower of Babel #5 (2011)
Digital scan, Watercolour, Pencil and Acrylic on Board
Whilst the architectural group Archigram promotes extravagant city building and consumerist lifestyles, the reality of today and even the future is and will be very different from their original designs. Reality has taught us wasteful living styles with improper use and disposal of natural resources will lead to unintentional and drastic consequences by forces of nature – a natural balance if you will.
Nature has also proved to us that parasites and insects have the power to strip useful land and destroy things that we humans use, especially with the involvement of time. Watercolour was used to form an overlay applied to scans of the graphite drawing of this interpretation of theTower of Babel.